Air Roasted Coffee

Get ready to embark on a coffee journey like no other! At Ninja Girl Coffee, we pride ourselves on roasting our beans with an extraordinary method that unlocks the true essence of each bean's flavor profile. We of course are talking about air roasted coffee, also known as fluid bed roasted coffee. Brace yourself for a coffee experience that will redefine your taste buds and elevate your mornings to new heights!

Air roasting employs a unique process where hot air is used to circulate the coffee beans, creating a vortex that ensures every bean is evenly and gently roasted. The beans look as they are floating on a bed of air, hence the name, air roated. This delicate treatment allows for a remarkably uniform roast, resulting in an unparalleled consistency and flavor development in each batch.

The absence of direct contact with surfaces during the roasting process minimizes the risk of potential contamination and impurities, resulting in a purer, more vibrant flavor profile. This also means a cleaner and brighter cup profile. The pristine clarity of every sip as it tantalizes your senses and leaves you craving for more.

The magic of air roasting lies in its ability to preserve the intrinsic flavors of the coffee beans. By roasting in a controlled environment, we accentuate the natural nuances present in every sip. The result is symphony of flavors that dance gracefully on your taste buds, revealing the intricate subtleties that make each coffee varietal truly remarkable.

air coffee roaster

Visit our shop to explore our selection of air roasted coffee, each with it’s own story, and carefully curated to delight your taste buds. Elevate your mornings, one cup at a time!

Elise Mastantuono

Owner of Ninja Girl Coffee | 4th degree Taekwondo black belt | 2nd degree Hapkido black belt


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