
Our Story

Female Coffee Roaster

The name Ninja Girl Coffee comes from founder Elise Mastantuono. Holding multiple high ranking Black Belts Elise has studied martial arts from an early age for sport, competition, and love of fighting, using Taekwondo principles as a vehicle to deliver excellence in daily life.

After a rewarding competitive career including national and regional titles, Elise shared her skills teaching numerous students the ways of the hand and foot, whether it be for recreational fun, sport, or self-defense. But the story does not end there. Driven by a thirst for knowledge and an internal quest to continually test herself, Elise continued her journey studying additional forms of martial arts such as; Hapkido, Jeet Kune Do, and Tactical Hand to Hand combat, all the while gaining expertise in various weaponry. The belief of discipline, perseverance, and self-control is something that she has lived by and applies to all aspects of life. She also has an educational background in Exercise Science and Orthopedic Rehabilitation. She exhibits the same disciplines that achieved those feats, into each bag of coffee.

Being a long-time coffee drinker, which helped fuel those 6am training sessions, she has always appreciated a great tasting coffee. Her belief is high quality coffee should be good enough to drink on its own, with additives only to enrich the experience. This belief led Elise to begin experimenting with different types of roasts, and beans from all over the world to create the ideal coffee profile. Her mission is to roast coffee that offers a great taste and provides the punch in the face you need to start your day. With her love of coffee, and wanting to create a rewarding experience on a widespread scale - Ninja Girl Coffee was born!

Our coffee

Ninja Girl Coffee is an air coffee roasting company out of Lockport, IL, sourcing specialty grade beans from women owned and family run farms. Our company motto is simple, bring you a badass, great tasting brew.

We strive to support women owned coffee farms and farmers as well as emerging female voices in the coffee industry. This is why our offerings come mainly from women owned and operated farms. They work tirelessly in harsh conditions to create amazing coffee, and by teaming up with them we are helping encourage more women farmers to enter the space and bring new ideas to the coffee industry.

We have a great passion for coffee, as well as getting a little roughed up during an early morning Taekwondo session. We as a company love, and believe in being active, but we know sometimes you need a little kick. Our coffee will provide you with that extra pop.

The promise we make to you as our customer is to deliver the best coffee experience possible.

Now go kick your day in the face.

Air Roasted to order

Discover the unique benefits of our fluid bed roasting method, distinct from traditional drum roasters used by most coffee companies. At Ninja Girl Coffee, we employ an advanced “air roasting” technique that ensures each bean is roasted evenly without ever scorching. This method not only reduces acidity but also enhances the flavor profile of our coffee, offering you a smoother, more flavorful cup every time. Experience the difference with our non-bitter, perfectly roasted coffee that sets a new standard for taste and quality.

What does this means for the you? An evenly roasted, less acidic, and more flavorful cup of coffee without a scorched or bitter taste.

Fresh fair trade coffee being roasted
